EA Tempts Media to Sin With Dante's Inferno Promotion


Would you sell your soul for a couple c dollars? EA is interrogative the media the same question.

Dante Alighieri's Inferno for the PlayStation 3, PSP, and Xbox 360, currently regular for unblock in February 2010, wish exact gamers into the nine circles of hell as they aim to rescue their beloved Beatrice. EA is giving some media outlets a chance to experience the fourth circle right now by tempting them to cash $200 checks.

GamePro "previews/community master Andy Burt" received a package recently from EA containing the check, which was verified as real, along with inside information about the quartern circle of hell. Plainly receiving the check creates a blasted-if-you-do-unredeemed-if-you-get into't billet, as greed in Dante's Perdition is plain a "two-headed animal." The inside information warn: "He who clutches golden coins with a clenched fist closes his heart to Divine grace," meaning those who cash the check are guilty of avarice, feeding one of the beast's heads. However, they also warn: "He who squanders wealth allows the first fruits owed to Heaven to rot on the vine," meaning that not cashing the check leads to prodigality, feeding the beast's otherwise head.

This mightiness cost the coolest promotion I rich person ever seen, much better than that separate one (though I kinda enjoyed that too). The Dante's Inferno marketing squad has some creative heads within it, that's for sure. Postdate the source link to see pictures of the creative software program the handicap was sent in. The correct alternative is rather obvious to Pine Tree State: cash the check, block where it came from, and spend it connected steak, lobster, and videogames.

Source: GamePro


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/ea-tempts-media-to-sin-with-dantes-inferno-promotion/

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